Shipping & Returns


We stand behind everything we sell. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply return the item within 30 days and we'll replace it or give you a refund. Please read "Returns" below for more information.



We typically ship all orders the same business day. If you order an item that requires extra time, we'll let you know right away. Unless specified otherwise, all orders will ship via USPS or FedEx ground delivery. When ordering multiple items, please note some items may arrive in separate packaging. Once your order has shipped you will receive a confirmation e-mail with the tracking information. Alaska and Hawaii orders are not eligible for reduced or free shipping specials.


We do ship to International destinations (non U.S.), just complete the shopping cart and shipping charges will be calculated automatically. Be sure to check the appropriate method of shipping from the drop down box in the shopping cart. Please keep in mind you are responsible for any customs charges, duties and fees, if any, that your country may apply upon final delivery.



Your complete satisfaction is our ultimate goal; our business is about bringing ease and convenience to your life.  Of course, there still needs to be a procedure if you need to send something back to us.


All merchandise must be returned within 30 days of purchase, unused in its original packaging. Return shipping charges are non-refundable unless the product is defective, damaged or we shipped you the wrong item, at which time we will gladly authorize a pre-paid shipping label to you. Otherwise, return shipping charges are your responsibility. We never charge a restocking fee but our original shipping charge to you is non-refundable and will be deducted from the credit unless the return is a result of our error or you received a defective or damaged product. We want you to be happy and we will do our best to make it right for you.


Every return must have a "Return Authorization" number (RA#) before a return can be processed. Otherwise, the returned item will not be accepted. To obtain an RA# please e-mail us at or call us at 800-899-6851.


Please do not ship a return without an authorization #.  At the time you receive the RA# from us, it will state the address to ship the item.


DISCLAIMER, part of Rolling Sands Inc., is not responsible for any injury caused by the use of any item.   


Prices and product descriptions are subject to change without notice.  We reserve the right to cancel and refund orders due to pricing errors.


Contact Us

Return Requests:

General Questions:

Phone: 1-800-899-6851 (Mon-Fri)

Customer Service Address:
Rolling Sands Inc.
295 North Drive, Suite G

Melbourne, FL  32934